Explore some cities, islands or hotels and feel what it's like!
Large Destination Map
Example: Curaçao
As a Caribbean destination, you want to show beautiful hotspots like beaches and culture. The integrated 360 panoramas give an exclusive look at these places. Your visitor can also explore all island's activities like restaurants and boat trips. A unique category: Insta. The Instagram hotspots of the Caribbean island are an excellent tool for the youth chasing the best insta-spots.
Location Map
Example: Camping Map
MapHeroes also provides customized location maps. These show all the locations of a brand, organization or business. Below we created an example of a map showing camping sites around Switzerland. Through the map, users can also directly book a spot at the camping site of their choice.
Hotel Map
Example: Avila Beach Hotel
Offering many destinations, MapHeroes also provides a customized Hotel map. Avila beach hotel on Curaçao uses the Curaçao interactive map. It is then customized to only show their hotel with a pin that is always visible. It opens on a specific chosen area. It allows the hotel to show their guests everything there is to do in the surrounding of the hotel.